Patient Forum – Your Group, Your Say

Parklands Surgery has a Patient Forum with the aim to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided, and over time, commissioned by the practice as a member of a wider GP Commissioning Consortium (Nene Commissioning).

Membership is open to any patient, so if you wish to join the forum or have any questions or suggestions that you would like to raise through the Patient Forum, then either write to the practice manager marking your letter for the attention of the Patient Forum or please let one of the receptionists or doctors know, giving them your email address and more details will be sent .  The Forum will meet quarterly on a Wednesday evening at 7 pm, either in person or virtually. 

The Terms of Reference of the Patient Forum are:
  • To provide resources and services for the good of the practice patients which would not otherwise be provided by the normal statutory services.
  • To encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and well being, especially those with long term illness.
  • To help improve communication between the practice, other Service providers, the Patient Forum and most importantly patients.
  • To instigate a regular Survey and to collate the results from the patients feedback with the sole objective of improving their services.



Forum Members
Alison Collier (Chair)
Peter Murdin

Christine Murdin

Linda Pibworth
Michael Pipe
Susan Twitchings
Raymond Wood
Elaine Yates
Peter Wright

Karen Martin










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