To make an appointments telephone 01933 396000 or call into Parklands.
You may also book appointments via the Internet by registering for Patient Access, ask at Reception for a registration form.
EMIS Access Online Services
Due to our system back up, online facilities are unavailable between 10pm - 4am.
All Patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they consider one is required. The chaperone may be a family member or friend but on occasions a formal chaperone may be preferred.
If possible, patients are advised to ask for a chaperone, if one is required, at the time of booking an appointment so that arrangements can be made and the appointment is not delayed in any way. The Healthcare Professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations.
Routine Appointments
For routine appointments please contact us as soon as possible in order that you can be offered a convenient appointment. To ensure continuity of care we like our patients to keep the same doctor where possible. You may choose whichever doctor you prefer.
For appointments with a nurse, you may be asked to give brief details of your symptoms so that an appropriate nurse and clinic slot can be offered to you.
Urgent Cases
If your problem is very urgent and you cannot wait for an available appointment, please tell us and you will be seen by the next available doctor. Please remember, however, that this may involve a wait and you will not necessarily see the doctor of your choice. Please be considerate and do not abuse the service.
If you are unable to keep an appointment please let us know with as much notice as possible, in order that we can give the appointment to someone else.